Thursday, August 27, 2020

POST ONE: My News Sources

 Here are my top news sources for all topics including politics, pop culture, social media, local news, and every day life.


One of the most reliable sources that I tend to trust the most are government and organizational websites. I used the CDC's website as an example, due to the current state of the pandemic. I find myself checking the CDC's website often. However, this does not limit my news to just the CDC. I also check government websites for all kinds of other topics, including climate control, LGBTQ+ rights, and other political topics.



Buzzfeed is a great source to find out what's going on in pop culture today. They cover a wide variety of things such as what John Krasinski ate for lunch today to WNBA players calling off their games in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement and in protest of the shooting of Jacob Blake. I don't always trust Buzzfeed on more serious topics however, because they tend to have bias in their writing.


When I want to know what's going on in terms of North Carolina news, specifically, I usually tend to check WRAL. My family would always watch WRAL when I was little and they just preferred it over other news stations like ABC 11. This is also where I get all my weather predictions, so I know what to expect throughout my day.


Getting even more local, I chose to follow the Butner-Creedmoor News. This is the local newspaper from my hometown area. I read this newspaper or online articles when I want to know more about local elections or candidates, what my old highschool is doing in terms of events, and especially local highschool sports matches and championships. My grandfather and grandmother grew up reading this newspaper every morning with a cup of coffee, so it makes me happy that they still produce good and honest local reports.


Youtube is one of the greatest places to get information and news about the influencers that I follow. I find that the best way to get information about influencers is to get that information straight from the influencer themselves. Youtube allows anyone to be able to tell their side of the story, which is extremely helpful in the world of social media and social platforms. I also use Youtube to get my information about upcoming movie, tv show, or general media news.

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