Friday, September 25, 2020

POST FOUR: Voices in the Media

 After exploring these websites, I have taken a notice that these voices expressed through these websites take a very strong sided approach to the subject of anti-war. However, it is brought to the attention of the class that these voices are not heard through the media. This is inherently true and could be caused by the lack of support from the government or society, as a whole. While these people, under the first amendment freedoms of the freedom of speech and the freedom of press, have the right to express their thoughts and share them with the public, this does not necessarily mean that the media has to share those ideas as well. 


The media is an interesting topic of discussion when it comes to what is shown and what is not. Of course, there is the discussions of biased media and fake news, however, I feel that something that is not talked about enough is how the media likes to focus on very negative aspects of news like war, violence, and hatred. Rarely, do we ever see news that is positive or focused on change. For another example besides the anti-war voices who want to promote peace, the Black Lives Matter protests have a similar light in the media. Mostly, the media likes to focus on the violence protests and looting that happens, however, the vast majority of protests are very peaceful and done with absolute grace. But, do we see these peaceful protests in the news? No. 


I truly believe that the media doesn't have the intent of the people or keeping the people informed in mind. If this was truly the case, they would include positive news as well as negative news. Instead, the news focuses on headlines that catch attention. And if they do include positive stories, they tend to promote their main stories as violent and negative news, attracting the attention. Then, they save the positive stories for last, just to say that they included something positive. This disgusting way of controlling the media has taken over how we view the news and all that we can do is speak out.

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