Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 Privacy is one of those things where you always assume that your information is being kept private. For example, when you create a password for a website and it is censored by not showing the actual password, but dots that represent the characters. This, of course, keeps your password hidden from people glaring at your screen. Another example might be if you archive a previous post from your Instagram account. This keeps the post, comments, and likes hidden from any followers and non-followers that might come upon your page. However, this password and the Instagram post is not truly private. These two items are kept by the websites that you enter them into, giving the website the power to retain the information. For something like Instagram, the stakes vary because it could just be a fun, lighthearted post to something as serious as the location in which you live. For other websites that require passwords, like bank sites, the stakes are very high seeing as they have tons of information on you and your money. Of course, it is against the law to use that information, give it out, keep it, etc. However, that does not always stop companies. 


In 2019, Facebook faced a court case involving the platform keeping personal records and past search histories within a database and keeping that internal privacy information private. "Facebook faces multiple court cases in the U.S. and the prospect of a $3-5 billion FTC fine for its privacy breaches." (Forbes). These multiple court cases have proven that the information that Facebook is given is not considered to be safe. 


In the Juan Enriquez Ted Talk titled Your online life, permanent as a tattoo, he speaks of how this information is not private and will be "immortal." These are referred to as "electronic tattoos" and makes you think about the decisions that you trust the internet and various websites for. 





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